Year 11 Geography search for gold!

By Kate Hope | Posted: Thursday August 19, 2021

Ms. Hope's Year 11 Geography class were very fortunate to squeeze in their field trip to visit the Oceana Gold mine at Macrae's Flat on the day we went into lockdown!!

Students have been exploring the question 'is mining for gold sustainable at Macrae's Flat?'

 Along with that, students were asking what are the consequences of mining on both people and place. We were given a tour to see the heavy vehicle workshop in action, as well as receiving a talk from Gavin Lee (community liaison officer) on the processes involved in mining. It is such an interesting place to visit and no doubt the students will remember this visit for a long time. Hearing the average wage of their workers sure was a great discussion point for the students.

Students will now, perhaps under lockdown, complete their internal assessment based on their field trip.

A huge thank you to all our tour guides at Macrae's. Turning classroom learning into real life experiences is so beneficial for our ākonga. 

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